“Mrs. Chatterjee Vs Norway” is a compelling 2023 film starring Rani Mukerji and Anirbhan Bhattacharya, directed by Ashima Chibber. The movie, produced by Nikkhil Advani, Monisha Advani, and Madhu Bhojwani, tells a gripping real-life story that captivates audiences from the first scene. Rani Mukerji’s portrayal of Debika Chatterjee is hailed for its authenticity and emotional depth, drawing viewers into the character’s journey. The film’s intense narrative seamlessly weaves together themes of family, cultural differences, and resilience, leaving a lasting impact on the audience.
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Tagline:A mother’s fight against a nation.
Quality: HD
Year: 2023
Duration: 135 Min
Language:हिन्दी, English, Norsk
Director:Ashima Chibber