Animal” 2023 is a fantasy adventure film that intertwines the lives of characters through a captivating journey. The storyline revolves around a female protagonist who transforms into a dog after kissing men, leading to unexpected and humorous situations. Set in a school environment with teachers as the main characters, the film expertly blends romance, comedy, and fantasy. The lead characters, Han Haena and Jin Seowon, bring depth to the narrative with their unique personalities and intertwined destinies. As the plot unfolds, viewers are taken on a heartwarming and entertaining ride filled with twists and turns. With elements of curse, kisses, and canine transformations, “Animal” 2023 promises to be a delightful cinematic experience that offers a fresh take on romance and fantasy genres.
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Tagline:A father-son bond carved in blood
Quality: HD
Year: 2023
Duration: 201 Min
Budget:$ 13.000.000,00
Revenue:$ 108.300.000,00
Director:Sandeep Reddy Vanga