In 2017, the movie “Justice League” brought together iconic superheroes like Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman, and more to form a team of extraordinary beings. The film, based on American comic books, follows these heroes as they unite to combat a formidable threat. As they face challenges and conflicts, they must work together to save the world from impending danger. The storyline revolves around Batman’s efforts to assemble this team of superheroes in response to a looming menace that threatens humanity. Each hero brings their unique powers and strengths to the table, creating a dynamic group dynamic that is essential for their success. The movie delves into themes of heroism, teamwork, and sacrifice as these characters join forces to protect the world.
Justice League
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Tagline:You can’t save the world alone.
Quality: HD
Year: 2017
Duration: 120 Min
Budget:$ 300.000.000,00
Revenue:$ 657.900.000,00
Director:Zack Snyder