“Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani” is a Bollywood film that presents a love story between Rocky, a flamboyant Punjabi played by Ranveer Singh, and Rani, an intellectual Bengali journalist portrayed by Alia Bhatt. Despite their contrasting backgrounds and personalities, they decide to spend three months with each other’s families before getting married. The movie, directed by Karan Johar, features a stellar cast including Dharmendra, Shabana Azmi, and Jaya Bachchan. With a reported budget of over 160 Crores INR, the film offers breathtaking visuals and catchy songs like “What Jhumka?” and “Tum Kya Mile.” However, the storyline is criticized for being predictable and lacking character development, making it a one-time watch with visually stunning sets and locations. Despite its flaws, the film showcases the charm of Bollywood masala movies and marks a potential comeback for Ranveer Singh while solidifying Alia Bhatt’s position as a leading actress in the industry.”
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Tagline:The power of family will decide the fate of love
Quality: HD
Year: 2023
Duration: 179 Min
Language:हिन्दी, English
Director:Karan Johar