Sukhee is a slice-of-life drama film starring Shilpa Shetty Kundra that follows the story of Sukhpreet Kalra, a vibrant and ambitious girl who becomes a homemaker after marriage. Directed by Sonal Joshi, the film delves into Sukhee’s journey of self-exploration and empowerment as she navigates the complexities of family life, love, and societal expectations. With a strong performance by Shilpa Shetty Kundra and a supporting cast that adds depth to the narrative, “Sukhee” offers a relatable and emotional storyline that resonates with themes of desire, ambition, and the right to fulfill one’s dreams. Despite some clichés and pacing issues, the film’s simplicity, relatability, and strong character dynamics make it a compelling watch for those seeking a heartfelt and engaging cinematic experience.”
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Tagline:Bedhadak. Besharam. Beparwah.
Quality: HD
Year: 2023
Duration: 139 Min
Language:हिन्दी, English
Director:Sonal Joshi