“The Archies” (2023) is a heartwarming Indian musical film that brings to life the beloved Archie Comics in a new light. Directed by Zoya Akhtar, this live-action adaptation follows the story of a group of teenagers in the fictional town of Riverdale in the 1960s. The film revolves around themes of friendship, love, inclusivity, and standing up for what’s right. As Archie and his friends face the threat of Green Park’s destruction by Mr. Lodge’s hotel construction plans, they embark on a journey to save their cherished park by gathering 4500 signatures from residents. With a talented cast including Agastya Nanda, Suhana Khan, Khushi Kapoor, Mihir Ahuja, Vedang Raina, Yuvraj Menda, and Aditi Saigal, “The Archies” is a light-hearted and engaging teen flick that celebrates love and friendship. Stream this well-crafted adaptation on Movierulz for an enjoyable cinematic experience.”
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Quality: HD
Year: 2023
Duration: 144 Min
Director:Zoya Akhtar